среда, 15 февраля 2012 г.

SPOTLIGHT: JULIE HAMOS; Making Illinois a "leader on health care reform'.(News)

Job: Chicago-based director, Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, which oversees the state Medicaid program, since April 16.
Vitals: 61years old; bachelor's degree, Washington University, 1972; law degree, George Washington University, 1975; staff attorney, Subcommittee on Oversight, U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means, Washington, D.C., 1975-77; lobbyist for low-income residents, Illinois Legislature, Springfield, 1977-79; political action director, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees in Illinois, Chicago, 1979-81; various positions, Cook County state's attorney's office, including manager of child-support division, Chicago, 1981-88; principal, Julie E. Hamos & Associates, Chicago, 1989-99; Illinois state representative, 18th District (Democrat), Evanston, 1999-2010.
Strong suit: "She has deep relationships among (legislators) and other policymakers and a proven track record of compromise and getting things done, state Sen. Jeff Schoenberg, D-Evanston, says.
Resume gap: Has never managed a large organization.
Track record: As chairman of the state House Mass Transit Committee, she was point person on 2008 compromise legislation creating a sales tax increase to bail out the Chicago Transit Authority, Metra and Pace.
Job one: Make the state's $14-billion Medicaid health plan for the poor more efficient, including tightening the enrollment process and managing patients better.
Obstacle: Transform a Medicaid program at a time when national health reform will add hundreds of thousands of residents to its rolls.
The plan: Work with health care providers and insurance companies to better coordinate care in Medicaid, which should lower costs and improve outcomes. "I'd like us to be a national leader on health care reform by transforming the service-delivery system in Illinois, Ms. Hamos says.

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