среда, 14 марта 2012 г.

Drink driver seen swerving in road gets year-long ban

A stream of motorists have admitted getting behind the wheel whileboozed-up.

And two were put off the road for a year after appearing at thecity's sheriff court.

Andrew Growcott, 57, yesterday admitted driving while over thelimit.

He was spotted driving erratically by police on May 5.

Growcott, of 4 Hanover Court, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, wasswerving on to the central reservation of Aberdeen's Commerce Street.

Defence agent Ross Taggart told the court Growcott had sufferedfrom stress for the past three years and had been on medication.

Growcott, who was slightly over the limit, had recently begundrinking again.

Sheriff Colin …

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