среда, 14 марта 2012 г.

Record donations of Pounds 128 at carnival

Looking Back joins the procession of 1985 and the BlackberryCarnival in Axbridge. The crowd dug deep into their pockets to givePounds 128, which was a record for Axbridge at the time.

This, with a profit from the raffle, meant more than Pounds 200was raised for youth club funds from an event known to sustain aloss in previous years.

After a year's absence, residents made a special effort to makesure their entries were of a higher than ever standard.

Stealing the title of overall winners and first in the localclass were the 1st Axbridge Brownies, who recreated the town's pastwith scenes of Old England.

Taking the laughs were a band of ladies calling themselvesAxbridge Town Helpers who brought the Roly Polys of TV to Axbridge.

Also creating laughs were the regulars of the Crown Inn, whodisguised themselves as nursery rhyme characters.

It was a case of the town's youngsters helping themselves withthe majority of Axbridge's youth groups taking part.

Thoroughly enjoying themselves were residents from St Michael'sCheshire Home. Resident Eric Cooper won first prize for the modern-day "laughing policeman" with a supporter of the home, Sheila Lukinsof Wedmore, taking second.

Heading the procession was Blackberry Carnival Queen 18-year-oldClaire Rollings, accompanied by princesses Sarah Vesty and JoanneBinning.

Banwell's volunteer fire unit were on hand to provide Claire andprizewinners with a fireman's "lift" to the float for thepresentation of cups and trophies.

This year's Blackberry Carnival is a Mardi Gras theme and is onSaturday. Procession leaves Jubilee Road at 2.30pm.

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