среда, 7 марта 2012 г.

Polanski's wife says their worst moments are over

The wife of Roman Polanski says she believes the 32-year-old sexual abuse case against her husband will be finished soon.

French actress and singer Emmanuelle Seigner, 43, is to appear in a TVN24 interview in Poland on Monday and the station ran some clips before its broadcast.

The 76-year-old Polanski was arrested in September on a U.S. arrest warrant and is under house arrest in the couple's house in Gstaad, Switzerland, pending an extradition decision.

Seigner says their life is "not ideal" but is "good" because Polanski can see their two children, Morgane and Elvis.

She says she believes the matter will be "solved and over pretty soon" and that the "toughest moments are behind us."

The singer is in Poland to promote a new album.

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