вторник, 13 марта 2012 г.

Sweden's premier favors Obama in US presidential race

Sweden's prime minister said Tuesday that he favors Democrat Barack Obama in the U.S. presidential race because the Illinois senator "lies the closest to what we're trying to do here in Sweden."

Stopping short of a formal endorsement, Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt said Obama's economic and climate policies were in step with the Swedish center-right government's ambitions.

"When it comes to tax policies and economic policies I prefer Barack Obama," Reinfeldt told reporters in Stockholm.

Reinfeldt, 42, leads a four-party coalition government that took power in 2006, partly on promises to promote job creation and lower taxes for middle and low-income earners.

He said Obama's "Making Work Pay" credit, which would offset payroll taxes on the first US$8,100 (euro5,800) of earnings, was almost identical to the Swedish government's tax plan.

Reinfeldt said Hillary Clinton's tax policies were less clear. "We will have to see how she chooses to develop her policies in November," he said. "Today, it is clear that Barack Obama lies the closest to what we're trying to do here in Sweden."

Reinfeldt also praised Obama's climate policies, saying he has outlined "clear goals for renewable energy," but regretted that none of the presidential candidates are pushing for a carbon tax in the U.S. Sweden became one of the first countries to introduce such a tax in the 1990s.

Among the Republican candidates, Reinfeldt favored John McCain, especially on foreign policy, climate and free trade, but said he would prefer to see a Democrat in the White House.

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