четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

NSW: Opposition seeks criminal charges over bridge controversy

NSW: Opposition seeks criminal charges over bridge controversy

MENANGLE, NSW, April 7 AAP - The NSW opposition today called for a police investigationinto the failure to close a rail bridge immediately after structural problems were found.

Opposition Leader John Brogden said he would refer the matter to Police CommissionerKen Moroney asking he consider laying criminal charges over the matter.

The 140-year-old Menangle rail bridge, south-west of Sydney, was closed on March 27because of dangerous structural problems identified in an expert report three weeks earlier.

Mr Brogden said it was a major political cover-up to keep the bridge open until afterthe March 22 state election.

He said it could be a breach of the Crimes Act (Section 212), which makes it unlawfulfor anybody to endanger the safety of railway staff and passengers.

"The matter is worthy of police investigation," Mr Brogden told reporters today atthe site of the bridge, where work is being carried out.

"As such, I am writing to (Mr Moroney) today asking him to look closely at this matterwith respect to the laying of criminal charges for gross negligence over the failure toclose the Menangle Bridge."

Mr Brogden said he was determined to find out who was responsible for the decisionto keep the bridge open beyond the election.

"I want to know where the truth is with this matter, whether it lies at Carl Scully'sfeet, the former minister for transport, or somewhere within the bureaucracy."

Local Liberal MP Peta Seaton today said she had heard rumours the bridge could be reopenedto rail traffic within 24 hours.

She promised to sit on the tracks to prevent it reopening without a green light fromProfessor Michael West, the expert who first warned the bridge was dangerous and shouldbe closed immediately.

AAP jph/nf/pw/jlw


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